- Kyoto University School of Public Health M1
- I &Company. Inc – CEO
Originally from Kyoto, I graduated from Hiroshima University School of Dentistry. After working as a resident dentist at a university hospital, I entered the Graduate School of Medicine at Kyoto University. In the same time, I founded I &Company Inc. and has been working on the empowerment of potential human resources and the promotion of oral health.
“Okuchi no themepark”: preventive care for every child
While the absolute number of caries in children is decreasing, the disparity of children left behind with a serious condition known as oral decay is becoming an issue. By developing a self-care habit-enhancing application, we aim to remove the burden of home education and at the same time create smooth access to regular dental visits.
Through my experience in the medical field and as an activist, I realized that medical care and philanthropy alone cannot approach the social structure to eliminate disparities. We will find methods to solve issues through our business and approach society.