Founder and Director, Zero Waste Japan
environment, waste management
Zero Waste Communities & Operation Design
Zero Waste is not just 100% recycling or sustainable resource management. We see “waste” as: Social-Economic system failure and the design failure. For our society to thrive, waste management must be as sustainable as any other fundamental systems and even, we need to learn from the nature’s ecosystem.
We aim to become the disruptor for the dysfunctional systems in the society, by designing new systems in community or business level, co-creating re-designed system with various stakeholders in the communities, and moderating the communication to be extended between local to global scales for policy making.
Our services are into 3 areas: 1. Policy planning to projects implementation for local communities and municipalities, 2. Strategy planning consultation and Zero Waste Accreditation for businesses, and 3. tool developments e.g. educational tools and workshops to drive behaviour shift within communities/organizations.