Kyoto University, Faculty of Law
Born in Odessa, Ukraine. Recipient of the scholarship from the Ukraine Government for Distinguished Academic Achievement 2015-2017. Received a B.A. from the National Odessa University, majoring in International Relations. In 2017 received a scholarship from the Japanese government to pursue a LL.B degree in Kyoto University.
Finalist and a team leader of the Hult Prize Regional social business competition 2019.
There are many myths and stereotypes that are associated with pregnancy. Pregnant women are overwhelmingly perceived by the society as living through an exceptionally happy period of their lives, and much of the anxiety and stress that they experience is left unnoticed or simply ignored. Women, whose feelings do not match the accepted idea of the blissful motherhood are frequently exposed to high levels of psychological pressure.
We are developing an application called ‘Akachan’ that is addressing many causes of prenatal stress in women with an interactive and data-driven approach.
The problem of stress that is experienced by pregnant women is something I encountered on a very personal level – my sister suffered much from it. I believe it is a problem that affects the lives of million women, and I think our team is able to provide a solution to the current situation.