Kyoto University | Graduate School of Medicine | Assistant Professor
Disease Treatment by self-healing power using a TNF (tumor necrosis factor)-α vaccine
Our team succeeded to develop a vaccine to suppress TNF-α, which is related to various diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease, in mice. Application of this vaccine to human diseases will improve symptoms of the diseases, decrease caregiver burden and contribute to lower national health expenditure.
It is challenging, but we obtained a good result in mice experiment and this vaccination therapy has potential for application to various diseases. The success of our project will help not only patients but also caregivers. Their smile is my motivation.
Assistant Professor, Department of Regulation of Neurocognitive Disorders, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine (April 2019-) | Neurologist, Otowa Hospital (April 2017-March 2019) | Neurologist, Omuta Hospital (April 2012-March 2013) | Senior resident in neurology, Kurashiki Central Hospital (April 2009-March 2012) | Junior resident, Kurashiki Central Hospital (April 2007-March 2009)