Kohey Takashima is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Oisix, an online grocery store that has built its business delivering organic foods to individuals throughout Japan. The company went public in the Mothers section of Tokyo Stock Exchange in March 2013.
May 2015, “TOKUSHIMARU Inc.” became wholly owned subsidiary of Oisix. TOKUSHIMARU is moving super market which helps the shopping refugee such as aged people. October 2017, Oisix integrated their operations with “DAICHI WO MAMORU KAI CO., Ltd.”, which is the pioneer of the organic chemical-free vegetables sales. In October 2018, we realized business integration with Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd., and he take assumed office as President of the new company “Oisix la daichi”.
July 2018 he took office as Chairman of the Japan Wheelchair Rugby Federation that aims to take the gold medal at the Tokyo Paralympic Games in 2020.