Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Infrastructure Solutions and Agricultural Materials Div.
Kyohei Tayama is planning a new business of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
He was dispatched to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries from 2017 to 2019. He was in charge of planning a policy on R&D of agriculture, forestry and fisheries and food industry, and allocated R&D funds to research institutes for technology development.
He did sales and business management of plant factory in 2014 to 2017.
He procured equipment at Mitsubishi Chemical’s plant engineering group company etc. in 2009 to 2014.
He graduated from Ritsumeikan University in 2009 with a BA in Sociology.
In order to sustain the domestic agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry, it is necessary to create an economically self-sustaining industrial base and create an environment in which the people who produce can earn a sustainable profit. I am looking for a theme for creating this industrial base and considering commercialization.
In this program, I think that I can get new ideas by exchanging ideas with entrepreneurs, mentors and participants from other companies.
I want to make a social impact by creating a new agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry that are independent of governmental support.