Kyoto University | Graduate School of Management | MBA student
edtech, career development
Career support and mentoring platform for high school students
A survey conducted by Nippon Foundation found that many Japanese young people did not see themselves as full members of society, did not have a dream for the future, and did not believe they could change their country or society.
People nowadays complain that “young people don’t know what to do with their lives.” However, it is not their fault not to know what to do, but rather adults’ fault for not teaching young people what opportunities the world has to offer. So, as an adult, I want young people to be able to find their way.
“Winner of the “Leader of the 21st Century” intellectual game among high school students in Kazakhstan. | Master’s degree in Political Science from Tokai University as a Kazakhstan’s Presidential Scholarship recipient for 2010-2012. | Member of Kazakhstan’s Presidential youth personnel reserve.
MEXT Scholarship recipient for 2020-2023.”