Kyoto University, Computer Engineering Department
DragApp, Technology Department
Bachelors in Applied Mathematics from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Gold Medalist in Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad and Brazilian Informatics Olympiad. Worked as a Research Assistant at IBM helping in the development of the Portuguese WordNet. Since 2017 works for DragApp, a startup based in London. Was selected for the 2019 Techstars Boston Startup Accelerator Program.
There are many myths and stereotypes that are associated with pregnancy. Pregnant women are overwhelmingly perceived by the society as living through an exceptionally happy period of their lives, and much of the anxiety and stress that they experience is left unnoticed or simply ignored. Women, whose feelings do not match the accepted idea of the blissful motherhood are frequently exposed to high levels of psychological pressure.
We are developing an application called ‘Akachan’ that is addressing many causes of prenatal stress in women with an interactive and data-driven approach.
Pregnancy is a very important and beautiful moment for first-time mothers. Unfortunately, some of them cannot fully experience all the emotions and create good memories, due to anxiety. The project brings technology to help those womans to find a better way to deal with all the pressure they have to face at this very special period in their lives.