Shinsuke Goto

Sojitz CorporationGroup Governance Sect.


After finishing master’s degree from the University of Kyoto,I joined Sojitz Corporation April 2020.

At Sojitz Corporation, I have experienced the tasks of book keeping and a new business(Hassojitz2020,2021).At “Healthcare business program of Osala City Univercity”, I have learned  the method of starting healthcare business.

At “G’s Academy”, I have learned programming and application development.

Business idea in short

Application of ”Go!!” for promotion of fitness after meal for type 2 diabetic patients.

Social issue to tackle | Business concept

I’ll resolve the problem of  “Lack of exercise of type 2 diabetic patients(Lifestyle-related diseases)”

The therapy to type 2 diabetic patients  are  obliged to be managed by myself and it is difficult to reflect an ideal therapy on the life. 

So I prevented type 2 diabetic from getting worse by encouraging the patients to exercise.


I think that it is most important to realize ideas.

I want to create the world of “Anyone can get healthy and do whatever anyone want to do”.

Through my service, people who aren’t interested in their healths can get healthy ,and I’ll generalize “Preventive medicine” in Japan.