Project Leader of New Business Development, Omron Social Solutions Co., LTD
Born in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture.
Graduated Doshisha University.
Joined Omron Solution Co., Ltd. with a high motivation to give back to the society through the field of social and infrastructural system business.
Professional Experience:
Sales and Marketing of traffic light control system.
New Business Development in the forestry industry.
Building a Society which Coexists with Forests
-The Revitalization of Domestic Forestry-
Despite the multifaceted benefits of natural forests, such as disaster prevention and groundwater recharge, the decline in Japanese forestry continues to accelerate forest degradation. The main reasons for the decline in Japanese forestry lie in extreme lack of benefits related to forest ownership and forestry. By setting new values and benefits to this field, we aim to revitalize the forestry society and empower new forest owners.
I have joined my current company with the ambition to “create a better society”, which is also our corporate philosophy. Our current goal is to build a “forest platform” that links different outside services to current forest-related services. We challenge to bring development to Japanese forestry, in order to maintain the precious gains of our natural resources.