Development Bank of Japan Inc.
Born in Yokohama, Japan. After graduating from the Faculty of Economics, Keio University, I joined Development Bank of Japan in 2017. I was involved in M&A advisory, investments and loans for renewable energy projects, and am currently engaged in planning for the Medium-Term plan in Corporate Planning & Coordination Department.
Establishment of Industrial Development Platform through Company Creation
To enhance the international competitiveness of Japanese industries, I will establish a platform for DBJ to launch the companies necessary to support Japan’s future. By connecting industry, government, academia, and other financial institutions, we will build a new company to address social issues that cannot be solved by one company and nurture its business over the long term.
I joined DBJ to play an active role on the world stage and contribute to Japan’s industrial and economic development. By taking advantage of our role in connecting stakeholders and actively changing Japan’s industrial structure, I hope to shape our corporate philosophy of “design the future with financial expertise.”